Wednesday, March 9

A Beautiful book, delicious brownies and other nice things.

I am reading a gorgeous book. Normally I only read books once. It's not that I don't enjoy them, it's just I think that there are too many books out there, so one time is usually enough. This book I read twice. :O
The book is called "The little Princess". The classic. I find it sad and beautiful, well written and everything is described in the prettiest way. This book is one of my all time favourite.
Below are pictures of scenes in the two movies that were based on "The little Princess". I have not really seen the second one, but I find that the photographs give a good idea of the actual story.

I love Sara in the  book. She is a solemn bright eyed little girl who loves to tell stories. And Emily, Sara's porcelain doll is lovely. They both have a great variety of clothes and "frocks". Ranging from large soft, decorated hats to silk, rosy pink dresses. Emily is the closest thing that Sara has to a friend when she arrives to Ms. Minchin's school.

I know I will always have a soft spot for this wonderful book. And it will always ache, for Sara's misadventures.

Now, if by any chance, you want borrow "The little Princess", you HAVE TO, and I insist, make these brownies to go with it. As the story is a bit sad, these will cheer you up. for the recipe.

Okay, well, this is all from me now,
Have a nice week! :D

And to certain people who are in Tahiti, have fun! :) *grins*


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