Saturday, December 25

Smileyy! :D

Smyley directory:


:-| - Ambivalent
o:-) - Angelic
>:-( - Angry
(::( )::) - Bandaid
:-{} - Blowing Kisses
:-c - Bummed Out
:() - Can't Stop Talking
:*) - Clowning
:' - Crying
:'-) - Crying with Joy
:'-( - Crying Sadly
(_)? - Cup
:-9 - Delicious, Yummy
:-> - Devilish
;-> - Devilish Wink
:P - Disgusted; Sticking Out Tongue
:*) - Drunk
:-6 - Exhausted, Wiped Out
:( - Frown
\~/ - Glass Full
\_/ - Glass Empty
^5 - High Five
((((name)))) - Hug
(()):** - Hugs & Kisses
:-I - Indifferent
:-# - Lips Sealed
:~/ - Mixed Up
**** - Popcorn
&&&& - Pretzels
:^p''' - Raspberries
@>`-,-- - Rose
:-@ - Screaming
:() - Shocked
:) - Smile
=) - Smile
*;^) - Smile & Wink
:-() - Surprised
^ - Thumbs Up
:-& - Tongue Tied
:-\ - Undecided

;) - Wink
|-() - Yawning
^.^ - Cute, Happy

Cute nah? I got this from:
So today is X-mas! I was - again - spoilt. Had SO much fun! Tomorrow - Boxing Day - we're going to go shopping, me, mum and my sis. One of my fave prezzies was my gift voucher to Tree Of Life. One of my fave stores! 
Okay, well Merry X-mas to all! 


- Zoé 

2 thoughts:

  1. I really like that post, I think it is my favourite.
    P.S Now that I see your blog, I realise Olivia's blog is horrible, well, not horrible but just way less interesting and yours is really well designed.

  2. :) :P >:-( :-{} :-6 :-> .
    Sorry I just wanted to try.


Thank you so much for taking the time to say 'hi'; it's great hearing from you. ❀