Monday, October 31

that awkward moment when...

Your crush catches you staring at him
You trip over in public and want to laugh at yourself but there is nobody around to laugh with you 
You're watching a movie with your grandparents and a kissing scene comes on
You realize the pen you're chewing on is one you borrowed from someone else
You called your teacher "Mum"
You say something to your best friend and then turn around and realize she's not standing next to you anymore
Someone catches you talking to yourself
You tune out of a conversation and just say "Yeah" to make it seem like you're listening, then realize it was a totally inappropriate response
Your dad requests your friendship on facebook
Someone says "Hello" and you reply with "I'm good thanks"
You push a door than instructs you to "Pull"
You've already asked "What?" three times and still have no idea what the other person is saying so you just smile and nod
Angry Birds actually makes you angry
The stairs end but you don't realize and your foot lands in air
You watch the movie version of a book and realize that you were pronouncing a character's name wrong the whole time you were reading it
You walk into a glass door
You have 59 tabs open while you're surfing the Net and can't figure out which one the annoying music is coming from
You return someone's wave only to realize they were waving at the person behind you
You say goodbye to someone then walk away in the same direction
You're on the bus and accidentally sing out loud to your iPod
A sentence doesn't end the way you think it spagetti

I hope you like this list from "Girlfriend" magazine. If you have any others to add, feel free to comment.
With love, 

5 thoughts:

  1. Haha! These are so funny! Unfortunately, some of those have happened to me.:/

  2. Yeah lots of those had happened to me!
    I have one!
    +++When you start talking to someone and then realize it is actually a total stranger and not the person you were talking to++++++
    Wave at somebody who looks like someone you know but isn't the person!

    Yeah the second one has happened to me and the person looked at me strangely.

  3. the one about angry birds. MY. LIFE. seriously, i don't get that game! i just want to get the bird in the right spot, i mean, is that so hard?! apparently. lol, great post :))
    -jocee <3

  4. @booke: don't feel bad, every single one has been experienced by me!
    @melissa: hahaa! good one!
    @jocee: thank you for commenting, i love it! yes, angry birds is heaps annoying but try oven break {u no the game on ipod touch involving a gingerbread man} gah; so hard!

  5. I have another awkward moment:
    #Either when you are friends with someone who becomes a teacher at a school or you meet your teacher somewhere away from scholl like at the shops#.


Thank you so much for taking the time to say 'hi'; it's great hearing from you. ❀